About Us
You can’t know where you are going until you know where you’ve been. That is why we treasure a farm-to-table approach which makes our meat a cut above the rest.

Want to know where your meat comes from?
Look no further than Meatworths Boutique Butchery.

Insuring traceability and quality...
By breeding, feeding, handling, processing and distributing the meat ourselves, we’ve managed to shorten the cold chain, insuring that traceability and quality comes standard!
Aanvanklik het die beesboerdery op die rivierwalle as ‘n syvertakking tot die alombekende Breederivervallei-wynplaas, Mooiuitsig, begin. Sedert November 2006 het dit tot ‘n grootskaalse vleisbedryf met aangeplante weiding te Stormsvlei en voerkraal te Bonnievale ontwikkel. Om ‘n verskeidenheid te bied word eersteklas vark- en vrylopende hoendervleis by geregistreerde plase in die distrik ingekoop.
Aside from our famous palatable steaks, matured to tender perfection, other beef products include tasty sosaties, a selection of sausages and cold meats, biltong, droëwors, chillie bites and a ‘budget pattie’ which is a hit at sporting events and for take-aways.
Meatworths waarborg dat hul vleis geen toegevoegde hormone en groeistimulante bevat nie. Elke snit getuig van goeie gehalte en word teen ‘n sakpas prys aangebied. Ons is geregistreer by die Rooivleis Produsente Organisasie (RPO) en SAMIC.
We are proud of our stamp on the carcass which indicates that every carcass is born and bred in the Breede River Valley and is fully traceable.

Meat of Origin
At Meatworths traceability is a high priority and by looking after our products every step of the way, we differentiate ourselves from others in the market. Our focus tracks back to the field where we use only the best genetics to breed healthy animals with a uniform carcass. By merely purchasing a limited amount of cattle, contamination to viruses and diseases is constrained.
Elke koei en kalf is op rekord; van wie sy ouers is, geboortedatum, speendatum asook speengewig. Die beeste wei rustig op 100 hektaar aangeplante weidings aan die voet van die Sonderendberge by Stormsvlei en op die walle van die Breërivier by Bonnievale. Voor slagting word hul in ‘n voerkraal afgerond op ‘n voerrantsoen van gesnyde lusern, strooi, ingekuilde druiwedoppe en ‘n klein persentasie gemengde kragvoer. Geen hormone of groeistimulante word toegedien nie.
Our animals are use to human contact and the short travel distance to the abattoir in Robertson also bounds the stress factor, ultimately promising tender meat. A tag with the weight and age of each carcass accompanies it to our boutique butchery for record keeping; completing our infallible traceability assurance. To take traceability a step further we tag every steak with the code on the carcass that is traceable back to the cow. Every carcass is stamped with our quality indication mark, Meat of Origin Breede River Valley, that is registered with SAMIC.
Ons missie is om kliënte tevrede te stel met die beste kwaliteit vleis wat op die plaas geteel word teen ‘n bekostigbare prys. Deur beheer te neem van die volledige waardeketting, is ons trots daarop om die kwaliteit van ons wye reeks produkte vanaf die veld tot op jou vurk te waarborg. Maak nie saak hoe of waar dit geniet word nie, jy sal verseker die plattelandse lekkerte daarin proe!
Call us now! 071 453 7201